Sunday, May 19, 2013

Children Of The King !!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that I've been in the Dominican Republic for a year and a half now. And I am still confident that it is where God wants me to be! I love seeing the faces of the children during the feeding projects and knowing that I have helped them. I love sharing the gospel in the streets to kids after I have played basketball with them. I love having teenage girls in my home and talking with them about purity in their lives. But I need to be completely honest with you. Although God has provided for me, I still have critical financial needs that must be met in order for me to continue to serve in this field to which I believe I am called. I went straight from my internship into full time mission work and it is very difficult to raise support while I am on the field. I am asking you to prayerfully consider joining me by supporting this mission.

I've seen firsthand the poverty that is in the world. Traditionally missions has been thought of as solely evangelism,  but we are realizing that when we meet physical needs of people by serving, caring, and giving, they are more receptive to evangelism. At G.O. Ministries our mission is to redeem, renew, and restore. And that encompasses meeting physical needs so we can redeem by meeting spiritual needs.

More than five hundred million people in the world are starving to death; they lack food, water, and basic medical care. Children are dying of diseases like diarrhea; many who live will suffer lifelong brain damage from early protein deficiency. Others will be sold into forced labor or trafficked for sexual exploitation. Nearly one hundred and fifty million children are orphans. More than a billion have never even heard of Jesus.

These are pressing issues that the people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti are faced with everyday. When you partner with G.O. Ministries to support this mission work, you are helping to make a difference in the lives of hurting people. Statistics show that on the average for every one hundred dollars an American Christian earns, he will give five cents through the church to a world with urgent spiritual and physical needs. Even in harder economic times, we are so blessed in America.  Any donation you can give will be appreciated and will go directly to affecting the lives of the people in the Dominican and Haiti, but I desperately need churches or individuals who will commit to a monthly pledge. Will you partner with me in this missionary journey to change lives?  You can send donations to G.O. Ministries - 11501 Plantside Dr. Suite 14 Louisville, KY 40299 (Please be sure to make your check out to G.O. Ministries and write “Lenae Hardman” in the memo line) or you can make donations online by going to the partner with Lenae page, then click here to partner. Under program choose missionary support and put my name as the recipient. 

In addition, there are other ways you can support the ministry. Please let me know if you are interested in a Kroger/Ralph’s card. (Kroger will donate 4% of each dollar you put on the gift card to G.O. Ministries in my name, helping support our work. This adds a small step to your grocery run, but helps the cash you’re spending go further to help our ministry expand and change lives in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.) Another way is by joining my running team, Racing for the Righteous One. (If you would like to run a race to help me raise funds for my mission work in the Dominican and Haiti, all you would do is ask for pledges from your family, friends, or co-workers to go towards your run, which in turn, will support our work.)

Again, I thank you so much for your love, encouragement, support, and prayers. It is an honor to share this ministry with you all. I can be reached at or (540) 313-7774. 

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