Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 2014 Prayer Calendar !!

30- Praise the Lord for all our supporters who allows us to do the work that God has laid on our hearts.
31- Pray for Kassie & Melchor Marte & their kids as they are moving back to the DR today.
1- Praise the Lord for the 13 baptisms in the river in Haiti.
2- Pray for Isaias as he is preaching this morning & that God will give him the words to say & that hearts will be opened to receive the message.

3- Thank God for all the doors that He is opening with GO Ministries & pray that He will send just the right people at the right time to join on staff to work alongside of us.
4- Pray for the staff meeting this morning & for all of us to be healthy.
5- Pray for us as we raise additional funds to conduct an annual island-wide youth retreat. Pray that the camp will grow & be an avenue to reach many lost teens for Christ.
6- Pray for discernment & grace for us as we care for the youth & that they will be encouraged through us.
7- Pray for Will & Audrey Partin & their girls that they can get their paperwork from the adoption & come back to the Dominican soon.
8- Pray for Matt & Emily Estes & their two little ones as they are adjusting to life back in the DR.
9- Pray that God would work in the lives of our youth to have pure hearts, good consciences & sincere faith.
10- Pray for our cross-cultural marriage to be a testimony & witness to other marriages on the island.
11- Pray for all of the missionary kids, for them to grow in knowledge & love of who God is.
12- Pray for the kids that are being taught through the sports programs, that they would come to know the Lord & be used by Him.
13- Pray for Mike & Amanda Braisted as they are in the states preparing to have their third baby.
14- Pray for Lenae that she will have confidence as she continues to learn the language.
15- Praise God for how He connects churches & individuals with GO Ministries in global strategies to reach the unreached.
16- Ask God to send His scepter of strength to rule in hearts in the midst of His foes among the Dominicans.
17- Pray for the staff as they develop & initiate programs & strategies that create mutual transformation between North Americans & Dominicans.   
18- Pray that many more will come to know the Lord & what it means to serve Him from our work through GO on the island & in North America.
19- Pray for Isaias & his band Cristo Urbano that they can continue to impact teens for Christ across the island.
20- Pray that 2014 will go down in history as the most profound year of spiritual breakthrough in centuries for Dominicans & Haitians.
21- Ask God to remind us that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love & self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
22- Ask God for vision & clarity to set goals for 2014 that will bring about church planting movements among the unreached.
23- Ask God’s forgiveness & healing of diseases so that Dominicans & Haitians may know His mercy.
24- Pray for the Eastview youth as they are coming to connect with our youth this week.
25- Pray for our financial support, that God would stir up individuals & congregations to be zealous for our well-being, to rejoice & mourn & encourage & refresh us while we are on the field. (2 Corinthians 7:6-7)
26- Praise God for provision & providential care of Haitians. Even after four years since the earthquake, people are responding to the love of Jesus. Pray that they will draw near to Him, be healed & rebuild their lives on the Cornerstone.  
27- Pray that the mission of GO Ministries is furthered by the teams that we work with & that lives will be changed both in the DR & the US.
28- Pray for Zoey as she is in the play tonight at Santiago Christian School & that it will be a great witness to the parents.
29- Pray for the staff worship tonight that it will be a good time of fellowship & fun.